sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011
Detido por abuso sexual de crianças
A Polícia Judiciária, através do Departamento de Investigação Criminal de Braga, identificou e deteve um homem de 24 anos sobre o qual recaem fortes suspeitas da prática de diversos crimes de abuso sexual de crianças. Os factos ocorreram reiteradamente durante o ano passado, em ambiente familiar, aproveitando-se o autor da confiança em si depositada para abusar da vítima, uma menina de 12 anos. O detido, natural e residente em Braga, desempregado, com antecedentes por tráfico de estupefacientes, vai ser presente às autoridades judiciárias para primeiro interrogatório judicial e aplicação de medidas de coacção adequadas.
quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011
Forensic Nursing: Evidence Collection for Nurses: Going to Court
The nurse who applies forensic principles by recognizing and preserving the evidence must also be able to present him or herself at trial. Patients who have been victims of a violent act deserve to have healthcare providers who are prepared and capable witnesses. One of the purposes of their testimony is to authenticate evidence that was collected in the healthcare setting and verify the chain of custody.
Medicolegal testimony can be a stressful professional experience. Juries are human and are often quick to judge witnesses based on how they dress, how they speak, make eye contact, and their perceived sincerity in the courtroom. Cases can be decided on the credibility of witnesses. Speaking directly to the jury in understandable language conveys honesty to jurors. In addition, Cashman and Benak offer these tips to witnesses:
Listen carefully to questions; answer only the questions that are asked.
Consider your response before speaking.
Avoid offering additional information unless clarification is needed.
Preparation is extremely important and begins with a comprehensive assessment and careful evidence collection because the evidence itself and how it was gathered and preserved can be on trial. Nurses work with their institutional risk management departments and prosecuting attorneys to prepare for trial testimony. It is important for the nurse witness and the prosecuting attorney to have the same understanding of the nurse's role and responsibility, appreciation of the evidence, and what the jury needs to hear about that evidence. Individual preparation involves reviewing the case record to avoid fumbling for information during testimony.
International Association of Forensic Nurses
Medicolegal testimony can be a stressful professional experience. Juries are human and are often quick to judge witnesses based on how they dress, how they speak, make eye contact, and their perceived sincerity in the courtroom. Cases can be decided on the credibility of witnesses. Speaking directly to the jury in understandable language conveys honesty to jurors. In addition, Cashman and Benak offer these tips to witnesses:
Listen carefully to questions; answer only the questions that are asked.
Consider your response before speaking.
Avoid offering additional information unless clarification is needed.
Preparation is extremely important and begins with a comprehensive assessment and careful evidence collection because the evidence itself and how it was gathered and preserved can be on trial. Nurses work with their institutional risk management departments and prosecuting attorneys to prepare for trial testimony. It is important for the nurse witness and the prosecuting attorney to have the same understanding of the nurse's role and responsibility, appreciation of the evidence, and what the jury needs to hear about that evidence. Individual preparation involves reviewing the case record to avoid fumbling for information during testimony.
International Association of Forensic Nurses
quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011
NHS3 Study
Photography Symposium
Detenção por homicídio
A Polícia Judiciária, através da Directoria de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, procedeu à detenção de um indivíduo indiciado pela prática de dois crimes de homicídio, sendo um consumado e o outro na forma tentada. Os factos que fundamentaram a detenção ocorreram no dia de ontem, no concelho do Cartaxo, onde o suspeito, um homem de 59 anos de idade, terá atingido mortalmente um outro homem de 49 anos de idade e uma mulher de 47 anos de idade, seus familiares. A vítima mortal faleceu no local e a mulher está internada num hospital de Lisboa. Esta contenda está relacionada com diferendos familiares sobre partilha de bens.O presumível homicida entregou-se às autoridades algum tempo depois da prática do crime. A Policia Judiciária procedeu à inspecção do local do crime e o detido será hoje presente às autoridades judiciárias a fim de lhe ser aplicada medida de coacção tida por adequada.
Criminalidade sexual
A Polícia Judiciária, através da Directoria de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, identificou e deteve um homem estrangeiro com 29 anos de idade, actualmente desempregado, indiciado pela prática de crimes de abuso sexual de crianças.A vítima, do sexo feminino e actualmente com 12 anos, é conhecida do detido, tendo-se apurado que os factos criminosos vinham sucedendo na proximidade da escola que a jovem frequenta em Lisboa, desde do fim de Setembro de 2010 até ao dia 03 Janeiro do corrente ano. O detido vai ser presente a primeiro interrogatório judicial para aplicação das medidas de coacção tidas por adequadas.
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