sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

Forensic Nursing Process

The nursing process is “A critical thinking model used by nurses that comprises the integration of the singular, concurrent actions of these six components: assessment, diagnosis, identification of outcomes, planning, implementation, and evaluation” (ANA, 2010, p. 66; Lynch, 2006). This concept is applied to the specific processes involved in the clinical investigation of trauma or death of the forensic patient. The structure of the entire forensic nursing process is predicated on maintaining a certain state of mind—an investigative, interpretive, dogmatic search for the facts and the truth (NANDA, 1990). All healthcare personnel must be able to use interview skills and physical assessment indicators to detect abuse and neglect. The application of clinical medicine and nursing involving trauma care of patients including those in legal custody requires detection and documentation of injury and the preservation and security of forensic evidence. This role emphasizes the importance of thinking critically about the legal issues surrounding patient care. A serious gap in the health and justice system has been either left open or only partially filled by health and justice practitioners who are essentially without a forensic background (Lynch, 1995). This arena includes not only nurses but also hospital physicians, midwives, emergency medical technicians, police officers, and attorneys. These individuals must be able to recognize problems in the existing system and raise the awareness of potential solutions.